55 research outputs found

    A multidisciplinary approach in understanding the symbolic meaning of built form

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    The purpose of this paper is to position a multi-disciplinary logic of inquiry which combines the interpretive and structuralist paradigms in qualitative research as well as reviewing a methodological framework that incorporates both semiotics and hermeneutics as a ‘pluralist’ approach to interpret the social world. This proposed methodological framework is considered as an important contribution as it introduces new ways of looking at buildings in particular to mosque’s architectural attributes as a system of ‘sign’ as well as proposing various indicators in order to investigate this matter in depth. This study builds upon the theories and concepts outlined by Saussure on sign relations, Barthes on levels of signification and Gottdiener on reading the material culture as reliable ways for analysing and understanding the religious building. Furthermore, this paper also introduces a new approach in comprehending the meaning of the built form that depends on the building patron’s situation. This research builds upon concepts outlined by Wallace and Barber in their model of leadership to develop a new methodological framework in order to understand the patron’s ideological intentions.This framework of inquiry is beneficial namely for architectural researchers and social scientists as it enables the analysis of the built environment from three aspects of concern. Firstly, reveals the symbolic meaning embedded in the design of the built form and their mundane settings. Second, elucidates on the structural relationship that exists between the built form and the human culture. Thirdly, uncovers the patron’s intentions and associated actions during the creation of the built form. As a result, specific interpretations of meaning of the socialphysical phenomenon were developed in narrative form and holistic fashion. As a sample of discussion, states mosque were used as a case study to show how its symbolic and representational meaning are portrayed in denotative and connotative manner. This includes descriptions on all possible influencing codes and conventions that reveal the rules explaining how the Muslim cultures and societies organise their ideologies, to give meaning and make sense of the state mosque design. This paper offers new insights which not only add to knowledge by widening and strengthening the understanding of new methodological approach to understand the meaning of built form and their attributes, but also is valuable for range of associated fields including architectural semiotics and non verbal communication. This is because this paper reveals deep understandings of the built form and material environment - (state mosque) operating as a ‘sign’ in the Muslim cultural and social context

    Representation of national identity in Malaysian state mosque built form as a socio-cultural product

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    The formation of national identity is the essence for a multi-racial country like Malaysia because it can strengthen national solidarity, create a common aspiration, and sustain the continuity of a historical heritage with multiple ethnicity and background. Nevertheless, the characteristics of this national identity is still not fully dealt with from an architectural aspect. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to critically examine the problem of national architectural identity in Malaysia. This is vital to uncover the resulting design principles with national architectural identity characteristics by referencing to three typologies of local state mosque as case study. The finding outlines that there are six architectural principles that influence the formation of national identity. These are the understanding of built form detail elements, materials usage, local style composition and expression, application of organic theory, designing a regionalistic articulation of space and form as well as an understanding of democratic values form to reflect the characteristics of national identity. These established referential guideline design on national identity is of benefit for future designers, builders, developer and related authority to produce built form that symbolizes nation political values as well as responsive to the existing social culture context

    Architectural style of dawah mosque in Malaysia: from vernacular to modern structures

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    The main purpose of this paper is to document the development phases of da’wah mosque architectural style in Malaysia from pre to post - independence era. Throughout Islamic history in many Muslim and non - Muslim countries, mosque not only function as a place to perform prayers but also serves as multifunctional space to conduct various activities involving individual and communal needs like da’wah . Similar scenario also occurs in the context of Malaysia’s mosque development in which the mosque act as a sign to convey message of Islam and as symbol of da’wah . These da’wah mosque architectural style however undergo various changes due to many influencing factors like the role of mosque patron, continuous transformation of designer tastes as well as social, economic and political influence. Nonetheless, the most empowering influence is from the role of patron or client whom has the major tendency to shape the da’wah mosque based on their individual ideology that they hold onto. To analyze the mosque design and its evolution in Malaysia, interpretivism as research paradigm will be adopted. This is vital to establish set of practices in order to sort out the role and function of da’wah mosque throughout the Malaysian history. Hermeneutic on the other hand will be used as methodological approach to extract the meaning of the da’wah mosque as a ‘sign’ as well as to understand the documentation relating to the da’wah mosque as subject of research. The findings then will be analyzed using coding method. This paper, therefore, offers clear knowledge on the da’wah mosque study by widening and strengthening the understanding of Islamic architecture in Malaysia

    Towards sustainable campus environment: case study of UTM campus Johor Bahru

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    There are many important criteria that should be taken into consideration to make a sustainable campus environment. Among them are bringing ideas together with consumers, designing spaces that are not only just for the facility, balancing flexibility and control on campus, enhancing the relationship with the environment, planting of plants and reducing traffic jams of vehicles. This paper highlights some of the environmental problems found in the campus mainly at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in Johor Bahru Malaysia. These include vehicle problems, not enough outdoor areas for students to do work and unfriendly pedestrian walkways With the recent government calls to conserve energy and to manage buildings together with their surrounding context to be more sustainable, it has led the top management in UTM to outline a sustainability campus policy since the year 2010. Various strategies have been established and implemented to improve the quality of student life on campus such as encouraging students to cycle or walk to their respective faculties and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle within a secure environment

    An assessment on Madrasa design as symbol of communal value using semiotic analysis – case study of Rustem Pasha Madrasa

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose an appropriate design solution for madrasa as a center of communal values development. This paper is vital as there are many arising issues relating to madrasa development in the present context that requires much needed attention from various parties. This is because the madrasa's utilitarian function and existence as a community center began to change once transformation occurred to civil society. This factor happened due to modernization and Western influence in the context of Islamic propagation. Past literature on madrasa development focused more on limited areas of study such as the documentation of historical ownership, management and maintenance, learning curriculum, discussion on the role of women in madrasa education, and the construction process of the madrasas. To date, none discusses on the strategies how to design the madrasa to function as a community center. This research analyses historic prominent madrasa Rustem Pasha (1547-1550) designed by the great architect Sinan during the expansion period of Ottoman empire (1453-1566) based on literature review using semiotic approach to establish the appropriate design attributes that interrelated with communal values. Findings indicate that five communal values involving transparency, propriety, modesty, gratitude and obligation are embedded in this historic madrasa built form and spatial arrangement for centuries as a form of ‘sign’ to convey message to the user. This established reference design approaches from this research is of benefit for designers, builders, developers and relevant authorities to build a communal type madrasa in the future

    Responsive Design Approach in Modern Malaysian Administrative Building

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    AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to elucidate on the study of state administrative building in Malaysia by describing the design built form and it adaptation towards the surrounding. Using multiple case study approach, Perdana Putra and Parliament Malaysia were chosen as prominent case studies with emphasis on form and space studies. Since this paper formulates new ways to describe on state administrative building design, it uses interpretive paradigm and semiotics as the methodological approach to study the relationship between building design and sustainable aspects. This paper is of value for practicing architects and society as it offers new insights by formulating design approaches in designing public architecture in Malaysia

    The role of environment as third teacher towards the development of educational space for dyslexic children

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    Educational space that responds towards disable learning student needs is vital for a conducive learning environment. This paper explores on learning spaces for disable children namely the dyslexic in reference to the role of environment as the third teacher towards designing an appropriate educational space to fulfil their needs. Past literature on dyslexia in Malaysia much focuses on the pedagogy and teaching methods rather than discusses the issue of providing better learning space design that caters to the need of dyslexic children towards their psychological well-being. To conduct this study, the qualitative method involving case study as research strategy is used to establish the appropriate learning space design attributes for the dyslexic children. Data sources for this study are obtained from direct observation on three selected case studies of prominent learning disability school found in the global context. There are two key factors that contributed in the learning process and development of learning disability student namely the dyslexic children. These are the non-physical elements comprises of visual cues, auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic approaches as well as physical elements encompasses of density and size including spatial layout arrangement. Findings of the study are in the form of established referential guideline design to inform future designers, builders, education providers and related authority on how to build a conducive learning space environment for the dyslexic children. This is vital in improving the quality of public education infrastructure for dyslexic students in the Malaysian context towards their betterment in the future

    Documentation of modern da'wah mosque in Malaysia

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    The main purpose of this paper is to document mosques owned by the dawah (Tabligh) group in Malaysia from 1950 until present context This is because Tabligh da wah movement is consider as the most prominent group in spreading Islamic ideology in Malaysian Muslim society. This study focuses on two prominent Tabligh mosques as case study to show the important of da wah ideology in Malaysia (Masjid Seri Petaling and Masjid India), Since this paper formulates new ways to approach mosque design and cultural study, it applies case study research as strategy and combines various paradigms involving (structuralism and interpretivism) as well as adopts methodologies like (semiotics and hermeneutics) to study the contextual of the mosque setting. For data collection, this study use observation and literature review method. This study is vital as it offers newr insights by formulating new design and example of good character of mosque that builds and manage by the group that hold on to the Sumiah and Al-Quran principles. It also adds to new knowledge in architectural field by widening and strengthening the understanding of religious belief and Islamic architecture in the Muslim world

    Framework of National Architectural Identity of Public Administration Buildings: A Case Study of Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB) Tower

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    In the context of a multi-racial country consisting of Malays, Chinese, and Indians as the main majority, the search for the value of national architectural identity is important in highlighting racial harmony. Therefore, establishing the national architectural identity framework is necessary to ensure this can be realized. This paper focuses on the construction of an architectural framework of national identity based on the results of previous scholarly studies. This study uses a hermeneutic methodology in which data were collected from scholarly views through literature reviews and then interpreted into its disciplinary subject matter in compiling the indicators for the national architectural identity to propose a framework for public administration building in Malaysia. A case study of green building certified –MBJB Tower is used to further broaden the understanding of the national identity of architecture in Malaysia. An interview session with related personnel and site observation was carried away at MBJB Tower to test the proposed framework. An interpretive paradigm was used to explore each architectural element of national identity and a narrative method was used to discuss the findings in this paper. As an outcome, the architectural framework of the national architectural identity of public administration buildings consists of an understanding of the role, typology, and themes of architectural national identity. The architectural design pattern of national identity for public buildings is seen at three levels, namely macro, meso and micro levels. The architectural measurement of the national identity of a building can be defined by the design features produced based on the context of venustas, firmitas, and utilitas. In general, the MBJB Tower building is a good example of national identity architecture and can be used as a benchmark to produce more national architectural identity buildings in the future

    Effectiveness of Kindergarten Design in Malaysia

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    AbstractThis paper aims to examine the effectiveness of kindergarten design in promoting early childhood development before embarking further in the education system in Malaysia. It also aims to investigate the problems that kindergartens today are facing while using this as a basic guideline to foster better kindergarten design in the future. Past studies had shown kindergarten design on three main aspects involving architectural elements, geographical considerations and technical aspects. However, to date, there are no research done to determine the best design approach deem fit for the user; the kindergarten children, in Malaysia. This paper is vital as education plays an important role not only concerning individual involved in the kindergarten premise, but also responding to Malaysia's national agenda on education as early from 1957 till present. Kindergarten is known to play this role in providing the most basic and fundamental education system before children step into a more formal education program such as the primary and secondary schools. This research will be conducted using case study approach as outlined by Yin (2003) and data collection will draw attention to two typologies of kindergartens; single dwelling kindergarten and shop lot kindergarten. Direct observation will be adopted for analysis on these two case studies with regards to four environment stimuli; movements, comfort, competence and control. This paper is of benefit not only to policy makers, designers, and educators, but it will also be of importance in promoting better education system in response to Malaysia's national agenda in its quest to produce better nation and brighter future